I was vaguely aware of Sexton Blake but until recently, I didn’t even know if it was the name of a character or an author. As it turns out, it turned out to be a much deeper rabbit hole than I expected.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Who is Sexton Blake anyway?
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Roll and adjust property values
I picked up Town Constructor Junior (TCJ for the rest of this blog) in order to dabble with the Town Constructor family. It’s the entry level, family/kid friendly version of the game.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Going over all the Evil Lab games
The Evil Lab family is one I’ve been going through. (I got them as an add-on to a Kickstarter and I’ve spent more time on them so far than the actual Kickstarter) There are seven individual games in the series, although the differences between each one are just little tweaks.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Kensington Gardens is not Peter Pan’s origin story
When I was quite a bit younger than I am now, I came across a book called Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. And it was a confusing discovery. It was by J.M. Barrie, the same guy who wrote Peter Pan. And I checked the copy write dates (I didn’t have the internet but I was at a library and Peter Pan was next to it on the shelf) and saw the Kensington Gardens was first published in 1906, five years before the Wendy-Neverland-Hook version. And the two versions are radically different.
I now know that Barrie first wrote about Peter Pan as part of an adult novel called The Little White Bird. He then wrote the stage play, which introduced the familiar version of Peter Pan. Then the chapters that featured Peter Pan from The Little White Bird got published as Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. And THEN Barrie wrote the novelization of the stage play.
And, seriously, the Kensington Peter is radically different than Peter Pan. He’s an eternally seven-day-old baby. He lives in London. The book reads more like Charles Kingsley’s Water Babies. Seriously, it’s twee to the point of being creepy. (Which, given that the Little White Bird is about parenting, may have been the intent)
I’m not going to spoil the book because, in all honestly, I feel it comes across as more about tone and setting than actual plot. For me at least, Peter Pan at Kensington Gardens is less about what Peter does and more about who he is and what his version of Kensington Gardens is like.
Kensington Peter is definitely not an origin story for Peter Pan. It’s not even a beta version of the character. It is a completely different character in a different genre, despite a few similarities. Yes, there are fairies in Kensington Gardens but they make any version of Tinker Bell look like Dirty Harry.
I do agree with history. The right version of Peter Pan won. Be it an innocent adventurer or a disturbing view of eternal youth or a creepy child kidnapper, the Neverland Peter Pan is a vibrant creation open to a lot of interpretation and storytelling. Kensington Peter has his dark elements but is, at most, a deconstruction of Victorian cherubs.
I also want to note that the first version of the book on Project Gutenberg had a chapter I didn’t remember, a fascinating description of Kensington Gardens. Looking further, I found versions on Project Gutenberg that had fewer chapters than the book I found in the library. Clearly, Peter Pan at Kensington Gardens has an interesting publishing history.
Monday, October 21, 2024
FantasyForm: where you buy your opponents hit points
While I have not yet gotten around to trying Spaceshipped, I did decide to give its spiritual sequel FantasyForm a try. Among other things, I figured the system would get an extra layer of refinement.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Beer, pretzels and social engagement
Beer and pretzel games have been a part of the hobby for a long time. (Not to be confused with pub games which have been a part of the culture for a loooooooong time. But Crown and Anchor apparently doesn’t count as beer and pretzel games, even though that’s what you are eating and drinking when you play it) I think beer and pretzel games are party games for folks who want to say they don’t like party games lol
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Why I would teach Pickman’s Model
While I’m pretty sure I’ll never get the chance to reach Lovecraft in a high school or middle school English class, I have given a lot of thought to how I would do it.
Monday, October 14, 2024
What I got out of the Tour de Lovecraft
I ended up reading the first edition of Kenneth Hite’s Tour de Lovecraft: the Tales in order to figure out if I wanted to get the second edition. In the first edition, Hite examines fifty-one of Lovecraft’s stories.
Friday, October 11, 2024
Oh! This game isn’t meant for me!
Dragon Hero absolutely baffled me until I realized it was designed for younger kids. Only after I realized that it really was as simple as it seemed to be AND that was a feature, not a bug, did the game makes sense.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
The never ending Hajime no Ippo
Hajime no Ippo really caught my eye just because it’s one of the longest running manga out there. It’s almost ten years older than One Piece and, like Luffy and company, it just keeps on going.
Monday, October 7, 2024
Kind of wish Axolotl Dice was actually about axolotl
Axolotl Dice comes down to an excuse to roll a big handful of dice. Sadly, it doesn’t have anything to do with the endangered species of amphibian, it’s just a pun on the phrase ‘a lot of dice’
Friday, October 4, 2024
Everest 1924 is a tough climb
I love the fact that the world of Print and Play has grown big enough that it took me years to discover Everest 1924, even though I regularly comb BGG and other places for PnP games. And Everest 1924 is the kind of PnP I tend to look for.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
My September Gaming
September ended up being a more involved gaming time than I had expected. A lot of that was because of continuing to take part in Button Shy’s play testing forum.
Everest 1924
Evil Lab: Monstrous Monster Mixer
Race Day
It Was This Big
Tumblin Thru Time
Rake & Roll
A Simple Life
Evil Lab: Tetra Terror
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
My September PnP
September ended up seeing more crafting than I had originally expected. This was actually for two reasons. Some of the crafting was for Buttonshy’s playtesting. And some of the crafting was just therapeutic.
Koala Rescue Club
FantasyForm -Burned Away (playtest version)
Simply Solo #8 (revised play test version w/expansions)
Race Day
Rake and Roll (Global Jam)
It Was This Big
Converge: Catalysts of Change
Converge: Aspects of Vision
Tumblin Thru Time
One Card Mazes