Our six-year-old son recently got out one of our Chess sets. Before I knew it, the pieces were having adventures with Ludo pawns all over the furniture with their movements ‘determined’ by dice rolls.
Monday, August 31, 2020
When Chess meets Calvin Ball
Friday, August 28, 2020
Spellcraft Academy: not my cup of tea but still interesting
I’ve gone back to the Legends of Dsyx, a series of one-page Roll and Writes from Buttonshy. It’s been a while since I played one. Part of the reason I chose to try Spellcraft Academy next is because it only uses one die so it was easy for me to play in a limited space.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Crowded bus games?
I accidentally came up a new term for myself, a crowded bus game.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Roll and Write games with just one die?
Good grief but I have played a lot of Roll and Writes this year.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tanuki Matsuri has been good for my frazzled brain
Okay, here’s the basic idea: Superlude Editions has released Tanuki Matsuri, a Roll and Write game set in the same world as their card game Tanuki Market, as a free print-and-play for Covid relief. It’s not the best PnP I’ve seen that’s been released as Covid relief nor the best Roll and Write I’ve ever seen. But it’s a very accessible family game at a time when that’s what is really needed.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
A tiny taste of L. Sprague de Camp
You know, it’s been over a week since I talked about literature. And folks seem to enjoy those blogs so let’s do another one.
Monday, August 17, 2020
6 nimmt! has not grown stale
Ah, 6 nimmt! Also known as Category 5, Slide 5 and a whole host of other names.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Memories of convention first impressions
Time for more con memories...
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Why That’s Pretty Clever works for me
When I first played Qwixx, I decided that it was the game to fire Yahtzee for non-gamers. When I first played That’s Pretty Clever, I decided that it was the game to fire Yahtzee for gamers.
Monday, August 10, 2020
I’m not old. I’m just managing time :P
There was a point in my life where, between D&D campaigns and board gaming groups, I was sometimes gaming four days a week. This was also when I was compulsively buying new games and trying out new games so fast that I ended up playing a lot of games only once before moving on.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Will I ever actually _play_ Sword and Sail?
I am really thinking of making a copy of Sword and Sail. For the third time. Even though I have yet to actually ever play the game :D