Saturday, February 1, 2025

My January PnP

 While January wasn’t a heavy month for making Print and Play projects, it did somehow manage to hit most of the keynotes that I seem to have developed. A larger project, a few minimal work games and playtest copy.

I made:

For the Northwoods

This Mars Vacation 

Trap Construction Corp

Journey to the Pond

Downtown Las Palmas (playtest copy)

For the North Woods was my big project and, by my standards, was actually a big project. Instead of a micro game, it’s a full deck of cards. And I managed to get a play in too, which doesn’t always happen.

And Downtown Las Palmas was a fun return to playtesting after taking a little break. It was fun to make and has been fun to run through.

With that said, most of my print and play crafting time was spent printing out and cutting projects that had piled up. Metaphorically. Because I had to make the physical elements before they could pile up for real :) I find that, every January, I get projects started so I have stuff to finish for the rest of year lol

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