After learning perhaps too many games in December (Artisans of the Taj Mahal may have not gotten a fair shake from me), I didn’t focus on learning games in January.
The only game I really sat down and learned was Qwinto. Which was a pretty darn good game if I was just going to learn one game. You might think making a brutally simple game that’s actually good wouldn’t be hard but I’ve seen enough failures that seeing a gem like Qwinto is cool.
I did do a couple plays of the online version of Clever 4Ever but I honestly don’t grok it yet so I don’t know if that counts as learning it.
One game I decided to retry from December was Palatial from Dark Imp. It’s a very simple game, one that I wondered might be too simple. However, the fact that it has a very narrow margin of error (30 is the theoretical maximum score but it’s incredibly unlikely to score that) kept me going back.
I have also been binging Bandada. I feel like the depth to brevity ratio is really rewarding. Just four rounds but the decisions are good.
I have a feeling I’ll be learning more games in February. I literally have a stack of Roll and Writes that were on my maybe list for Dicember. Which I do want to learn.
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