Wednesday, May 1, 2024

My April PnP

In April, I finally had a month where life stuff meant that Print and Play activities had to get sidelined. Oh, I still crafted but the goal of playing something I made just didn’t happen.

I made:

Roll Crawl

Aquamarine Map 5

Autumn Leaves (R&W Global Jam 2018)

One Page Expedition maps 1&2

Kaos in the Catacombs

Roll Crawl was the ‘big’ project, a purchase from last year’s PnP Arcade Black Friday sale. And while I am curious about it, I’m not sure when I’ll find the time to try it out. 

(Incidentally, I am amazed at both the number of Dungeon Crawls that are out there and the number I find myself crafting)

Everything else was just laminating R&W sheets. Amusingly, I dig up the Autumn Leaves files because I’ve been playing the puzzle game Stitch on the Switch and it reminded me of Autumn Leaves.

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