Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Par Out Golf - dry erase meets golf

When I went down memory lane to look at games I've played that used dry erase markers, I found myself remembering Par Out Golf.

Here's the basic idea in a nutshell: each board shows a hole on a golf course.myou close your eyes and draw with a dry erase marker the path of your golf ball. Hitting obstacles like sand traps and water hazards will force you to start from that point and take a stroke penalty.

Honestly, that's it. 

Probably the worst thing I can say about Par Out Golf is that I completely forgot that it existed. It is definitely a silly, light game that is quite literally multi-player solitaire. Unless you're playing it alone. In that case, it's just solitaire.

On the other hand, Par Out Golf feels more like a game of golf than some other golf games I've played. It's not nearly as abstract as some (like GOLO) It's beyond sinks to teach and intuitive. And it is honestly fun.

I have to confess that I've only played Par Out Golf via tablet, as opposed to the physical book with dry erase markers. The iOS version actually causes clouds to cover the board instead of assuming you've closed your eyes and includes elements like wind.

At the time when we downloaded Par Out Golf, there weren't too many board game apps so it did get some decent play. However, a richer selection developed and it faded.

However, thinking about dry erase markers and games has made me decide to go back and revisit it. Well I don't own the physical game, the first three holes are available online. And, with the power of the laminator, I can make those three boards dry erasable.

At the moment, I doubt that the print and play version of Par Out Golf Will be more than a couple minutes distraction for me. However, we do have a two-year-old who's going to be getting bigger. The print and play version has gotten added to my list of potential tricks for long car rides or the airport or doctors' waiting rooms.


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