Thursday, May 4, 2017

Okay, you can play with Daddy's Looney Pyramids

Our son has often wanted to play with Daddy's games, even though it makes Daddy turn pale and shake. At first, I just let him play with some of my dice games, although I may never find all the dice from Zombie Dice :'(

But I have been trying to expand what games I'm exposing him to as he grows older, not counting the actual games that we bought specifically for him and he can actually kind of play by the rules. (The snails only moving one space at a time in Snail's Pace Race still alludes him. Those are some rocket snails)

And I finally took the scary (for me) plunge of letting him play with some Looney Pyramids. He's never been one to put thing other than food in his mouth and, at three, I can trust him to play with the moderately pointy bits under supervision.

Of course, I am not going to let him play with my Zendo set or Ice Towers for that matter. I have too many extra pieces in those, along with the fact that I want to make sure that I keep all those pyramids together.

Ice Dice proved to be a good compromise. Soft cloth bag, five different colors of pyramids. (I forgot I also added a Treehouse set in matching colors so the bag lets me play a wide variety of light games. I can see this little bag coming in even more handy with our son in a few years), as long as you can count on the toddler not to try to swallow a pyramid or throw them behind furniture, they are very interactive. You can discuss colors. You can discuss sizes. You can stack them in a variety of ways.

The pyramids have long been my favorite product from Loony Labs. Right now, with our three-year-old, they are really just toys. But we will be able to work up to simple games like Thin Ice or Tic Tac Doh, with Treehouse or Ice Dice waiting in the wings. And, farther down, I can see deeper games like Zendo or Volcano waiting for us.

The Looney Pyramids can make a toddler think but they have the potential to burn the brains of 40-year-olds.

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